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You are here : Home/Leposma Saccharina

Lepisma Saccharina

Lepisma saccharina is a kind of insect of thysanura, small, wingless insect, over 100 species in the world.  They are frequently called silverfish, fishmoths, carpet sharks, or paramites.

Silverfish are elongate, flattened insects, have silver light grey scales, approx. 4-20mm in length.  They have long antennae, three long cerci at the tips of their abdomens, one parallel to their body, one facing left, and one facing right.  Silver fish inhabit moist areas.  They can usually be found in paste old books, painting, woolen clothes and pasted carton boxes, even in the bottom of refrigerator, warm and moist washroom, crack and crevices in bricks and wall of kitchens.  Silverfish reject light.  They feed on clothes and books nocturnal.

HK : (852) 3695 0357 (Leo Chou)
CH : (86) 757 2887 0471(Mr. Chow)
Macau : (853) 2847 1206 (Stephen Chow)

Hotline : (HK)  +852 3695 0357

(CH) +86 757 2887 0471 | 188 20868365

(Macau) +853 2847 1206 | 6826 9365

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